Viiding, Kristi (2024). Vom Türkengebet zum Russengebet: Anselm Bock und die Anfänge der lateinischen Lyrik in Livland. In: Marianne Pade, Leonardo Magionami, Susanna Niiranen, Bernd Roling & Raija Sarasti (Eds.). Medicina Mentis. Essays in Honour of Outi Merisalo on the Occasion of her Sixty-Fifth Birthday 9 May 2024. Nordic Journal of Renaissance Studies, 22, 435−454.

The article deals with the earliest humanist lyric poem from Livonia by Anselm Bock (Tragus), published in 1562 in 34 Sapphic stanzas Precatio contra Moschum, Livoniensium ac aliarum vicinarum Gentium haereditarium hostem (Prayer against the hereditary enemy of the Livonians and other neighboring peoples, the Russian). The genesis and context of the poem from the time of the Livonian-Russian War (1558–1583) suggests that the texts about Russian threat in Northeastern Europe are attractive not only as historical sources but evidence also the rich Neo-Latin tradition.